Well-Able is a mindset movement intended to Empower and shift the mentality of individuals with different abilities. Though our circumstances may be overwhelming and challenging, we can overcome many obstacles with the right motivation and understanding of our purpose. Additionally, we overcome as a result of our shared testimonies. Here, we share our testimonies and parallel them with the word of God.

Kayla C. Evans
Kayla C. Evans’ personal, professional, and spiritual motivations are encapsulated in the “Kaizen Concept” a Japanese business philosophy centered around perpetual improvement in every aspect of the organization. At the tender age of 2, Kayla was crushed between two cars which resulted in partial paralysis in one leg and complete paralysis in the other, a severely broken pelvis, and multiple ruptured organs. Despite a combined 30 months of hospital stays and 25 surgeries over the past 28 years she continues to build with the confidence that she's Well Able because she serves a God who is Well Able.